A New ‘GTA V’ Mod Brings Imperial Star Destroyers To The Skies Over Los Santos

Ever since the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V came out earlier this year, modders have been hard at work, and now it seems as though The Empire itself is getting in on the game. We’ve already seen numerous ’90s TV show intros from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to King of the Hill recreated in GTA V, and mods that make the game’s graphics incredibly realistic, and now somebody has gone and stuck the Imperial Star Destroyers from Star Wars in the skies above Los Santos.

Created by Justin Lewis of Arterius Modding, the Star Destroyer mod is mainly impressive because these ships are just so damn big. A single Star Destroyer would probably take out several virtual blocks if it were to fall to Earth, and yet somehow GTA V is able to keep track of them without the game’s frame rate completely tanking. You can get a sense of just how big the Star Destroyers are in the video at the top, which sets one of the ships side-by-side with one of GTA V‘s jet planes. You can check out more footage of the mod in action below…

Want to download the mod yourself? You can do that right here.

via Laughing Squid