Check Out The Beautiful, Deadly New Orleans Of ‘Mafia III’ In 12 Minutes Of New Gameplay Footage

As 2K Games revealed earlier this year, the latest game in the Mafia series is going in a new direction. Past Mafia games featured your standard Italian made men and mafiosos, but this time around, you play as Lincoln Clay, a biracial veteran who’s just returned to New Orleans from the Vietnam War. Lincoln is actually out for revenge against the Italian mob, and it’s up to you to forge a more unique, diverse criminal organization to take ’em down.

Up until now, we’d only seen pre-rendered trailers and very brief snippets of Mafia III, but recently IGN got their hands on a full 12 minutes of gameplay. Mafia III is looking like a fairly standard (but good) open world crime game, although the 1960s New Orleans setting does really stand out as unique. There also looks to be a lot of fun little touches, like being able to “interrogate” enemies by driving them around town like a maniac. Also, if you’re into fedoras, I assure you, this game is for you.

All in all, Mafia III looks to be shaping up fairly nicely, and may be worth putting on your radar. Mafia III is roughly scheduled for sometime in the first half of 2016.

(via IGN)