Retro Gamers Rejoice! The First 13 Years Of ‘Nintendo Power’ Can Now Be Read Online

Before the internet, video game magazines ruled the roost, and the king of those glorious glossy mags was Nintendo Power. Nintendo was such a dominant force in the ’80s and early ’90s, most kids simply called video games “Nintendo,” and Nintendo Power was the only legitimate inside source for tips, strategies and previews. Nintendo Power‘s mutlipage, map and screenshot-packed strategy guides are still the gold standard, and an array of fantastic comics, art and features brought Nintendo’s pixelated characters to vibrant life. The magazine was an essential part of any Nintendo kid’s life.

Sadly, Nintendo Power ceased publishing in 2012 and, like most pre-internet ephemera, seemed doomed to be forgotten. Ah, but wait! The very thing that killed off Nintendo Power is now coming to its rescue! The Internet Archive has just put a significant portion of Nintendo Power‘s run (145 issues, starting with the magazine’s July 1988 debut) online for all to see. Get the tips! Get the tricks! Enjoy a few Nester comics and marvel at the goofy old ads. Even if you’ve never played an NES, it’s worth checking these mags out to see how your dorky forefathers lived.

You can check out Internet Archive’s full collection of Nintendo Power magazines right here.