PlayStation Plus Offers Two Powerhouse Free Games In March

Insomniac Games

PlayStation Plus is going all-out in March, giving away six games with two absolute must-haves in the Ratchet & Clank reboot and From Software’s hardcore RPG Bloodborne. March is going to be a good month for gaming. The only bummer to come from PlayStation’s lineup announcement is the news that they’ll be discontinuing PS3 and Vita PS Plus free games in 2019, so download while you can.

Expect these games March 5:

Ratchet & Clank

Ratchet & Clank perfectly represents the run and gun goodness of the lost art of Triple-A platforming. It’s a genre we just don’t see much of anymore, and for that reason alone, it’s worth a pickup. It’s also beautiful, ridiculous, and fun for kids and adults alike.


Bloodborne isn’t for everyone. Its difficulty is masochistic at first, but then, like its forebear Demon Souls, its unforgiving gameplay mechanics grow on you, and then you inch forward through each stage, in love with the brutality unfolding before you. It’s not as good as some offerings in the Souls series, but it’s still a fantastic game. If you’ve been afraid of dropping cash on a game you might hate because of its difficulty, now’s your time to pick it up.

The rest of the PS3/PS Vita offerings are here, via the PlayStation Blog. There’s some good stuff (Mighty No. 9 isn’t that bad):

  • Legend of Kay, PS3
  • Mighty No. 9, PS3 (Cross Buy with PS4)
  • Claire: Extended Cut, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4)
  • Bombing Busters, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4)

Check out the Xbox Games with Gold offerings here.