The UPROXX GammaStream Swoops In On ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’

Yes, we’re getting all vengeful up in this stream, with Batman: Arkham Knight. Before I do anything else, I should warn you all that while I’m picking up the game fairly early on in the main quest, because I couldn’t let it sit there unplayed, there will likely be spoilers in this stream, including one really big one.

Anyway, it’s been an interesting experience thus far. I’ve beaten the first major dungeon, at Ace Chemicals, so we’re into gameplay we haven’t seen before. A few stray observations:

  • The new Batmobile takes some getting used to, but I think Rocksteady has licked what could have been a complete mess of a new mechanic.
  • The game has really tried pretty hard to erase the “dungeon-crawler” aspects of the stealth missions. Now you just naturally swing into them, which also takes some time to get the hang of, but feels more natural.
  • There’s an early sidequest that’s driving me crazy, because I can’t figure out the villain and it’s creepy beyond belief. It involves strung-up mutilated bodies with words like “imperfect” scrawled near them. Even for a series that was always kind of a horror franchise, it’s unnerving.
  • This game is huge. Wait until you see the quest wheel.

The stream will start at 2:40 p.m. EST and run until about 4:40 p.m. EST, or whenever I unlock that Riddler trophy. You can check it out here, or click into the stream below. See you there!