Back in 2014, Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, the legendary designers behind Maniac Mansion, The Secret of Monkey Island and many other classics, successfully Kickstarted Thimbleweed Park, an ode to PC adventure games of the ’80s. Thimbleweed Park pushes the retro thing further than most throwback point-and-click games, featuring authentically blocky VGA-style graphics, and the classic “Push, Pull, Use, Ect.” SCUMM verb parser. Thimbleweed Park is a game for people who still have a hefty box of adventure games on bendy 5-inch floppy disks collecting dust in their parents’ basement. Needless to say, I’m pretty excited for the game.
When Thimbleweed Park was first pitched, we were only given a vague idea of what the story would be, but now Gilbert has revealed a bit more with a new trailer. Turns out the game is basically a pixelated version of The X-Files, combining the quirkiness you’d expect from a Ron Gilbert game (wacky clowns and guys dressed as pigeons) with a bracing dark edge (bloated corpses and shadowy horrors). What’s Thimbleweed Park hiding? What’s the somewhat sketchy Scully stand-in scheming? You’ll have to wait to find out.
Thimbleweed Park is set to arrive on PC, Mac, Linux and mobile platforms later this year.
(via Destructoid)