Buying A Ticket To The ‘Warcraft’ Movie May Net You A Free Copy Of ‘World Of Warcraft’

Still on the fence about the upcoming Warcraft movie? It has a great cast and crew, but you’re forgiven if you’re still suspicious. That CGI orc baby is hard to get over.

Well, Blizzard, the developer behind the original Warcraft video games, may be planning to offer a pretty major incentive to get you into the theater. According to a survey making the rounds on Reddit, Blizzard is thinking about offering a copy of World of Warcraft to everybody who goes to see Warcraft. This “Ultimate Movie Edition” of WoW would include every expansion released up until this point, an exclusive item and one month of free play time. Here’s a screenshot of the survey, which Blizzard has confirmed as legit.

Of course, Blizzard is only considering giving away WoW with Warcraft tickets, but it would be a smart move. Blizzard’s main business isn’t selling World of Warcraft, it’s collecting monthly fees, so getting the game into as many hands as possible makes sense. Also, World of Warcraft: Legion, the game’s latest major expansion (check out the trailer below) comes out in September, so it behooves Blizzard to create more WoW addicts before then.

Warcraft, which is directed by Duncan Jones and stars Travis Fimmel, Ben Foster, Dominic Cooper and Paula Patton, storms theaters June 10.

(Via Screen Rant)