Beautiful Gas and Gimp Masks for Every Occasion

Whether you’re the gimp of a post-apocalyptic warlord or living on a planet with a toxic atmosphere you’re probably still going to want to get laid and that means you’ve got to look good. And with your face all covered up that means you need a sweet mask. Fortunately the Bob Basset workshop is here to help you out.

Basset’s masks, made by Ukrainian artists, are heavily stylized steampunk, with detailed leatherwork and brass trimmings that look like they could have been taken from an old ship. There are often flowers hidden in the design which I, for one, appreciate on a creepy mask. It’s like a little piece of flair.

I’ve picked out my favorites for you to browse through. If you like what you see, you can buy a leather Victorian gas mask on eBay right now for just $800 or email the workshop for a custom job.

By Bob Basset

By Bob Basset


By Bob Basset

By Bob Basset

By Bob Basset

By Bob Basset

By Bob Basset

By Bob Basset

By Bob Basset

By Bob Basset