Batkid Was Supposed To Be At The Oscars, Until Andrew Garfield Allegedly Threw A Hissy Fit

This whole report comes with one big asterisk, but if true, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is kind of a dick. Page Six (asterisk number one) reports that Andrew Garfield was supposed to present at Sunday’s Oscars with Batkid, thanks to an arrangement with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, until The Amazing Spider-Man star backed out at the last second, allegedly “[storming] off” during rehearsals.

Say it ain’t so, Emma Stone.

“The academy was going to make him an official superhero during the Oscar ceremony. Andrew Garfield was going to appoint him ‘Batkid.’ But, in the middle of the dress rehearsal, Garfield decided he didn’t like his lines,” said a well-placed source…”Garfield refused to go by the script. He came up with his own lines. The producers felt that Garfield’s [rewrites] were not appropriate. Garfield had a tantrum. He stormed off. Miles and his family, who were at the rehearsal, were devastated.”

The same source also reported:

“Garfield was such a spoiled brat that he didn’t even want to be a presenter,” said my source. The academy had to call Captain America star Chris Evans to sub at the last minute.

That’s deliciously symbolic of Captain America: he gets called in when the better superheroes are unavailable. Anyway, I really don’t want Page Six to be right (Radar says Garfield and Stone skipped the ceremony for “personal reasons”). I mean, that’s always true, but especially here.

Via Page Six