All The ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Plot Rumors Are Wrong, Says Oscar Isaac

We report on rumors a lot here, but always with a little trepidation. They’re rumors, so they can be either surprisingly accurate or completely, utterly wrong. And apparently, if you believe Oscar Isaac, nothing you’ve heard about Star Wars: The Force Awakens is remotely accurate.

Isaac is currently promoting A Most Violent Year, but of course his role as Poe Dameron has come up. When he spoke to Yahoo! Movies, he discussed the rather secretive nature of the production and also more or less stated everything you’ve heard was BS.

I don’t think these little leaks necessarily ruined watching the trailer. And also, the [plot theories] that get that formulated based on these things — they couldn’t be more far off-base.

That doesn’t necessarily put to rest every rumor we’ve heard. But the rumors that we’ve heard are pretty out there and come from reliable sources like 4Chan and Internet commenters. And Isaac isn’t the only actor to insist that fans are getting it all wrong.

Of course, this might also be misdirection from on high, considering J.J. Abrams did everything humanly possible to not tell us the blatantly obvious villain of Star Trek Into Darkness. So we’ll see, possibly with the inevitable second trailer that, if studio release patterns hold, will probably crop up early this summer. It’ll probably come out with Avengers: Age Of Ultron, so make a note to take a sick day May 1st; you’ll be totally nerded out.