Bethesda Might Be Announcing ‘Fallout 4’ At Its First E3 Conference Next Month


Could another Fallout game be in our near future? According to a German video game website, the answer is yes. PC Games is reporting a rumor that Bethesda will be officially revealing Fallout 4 at the end of its E3 press conference next month. They cite a trusted, but anonymous source with this report, so we should all take this with a grain of salt.

However, IGN does point out that this will be Bethesda’s first ever E3 conference which has led to much speculation regarding what the company will in fact be unveiling. Sure, we all want Fallout 4 to be a reality, but remember when the game was supposed to hit in 2013? It’s been a while since we’ve heard any updates on a new installment to the franchise and this would be very cool news if it ended up being true.

There’s just one more month until Bethesda reveals what it has up their sleeves. If it is indeed an official Fallout 4 announcement, I’ll be taking the biggest nuka break ever!

(Source: PC Games via IGN)