There’s no shortage of opinions about the version of the Joker Jared Leto will play in Suicide Squad. Just check the comments on any of the trailers, set videos, or the first, second, and third promo photos. Regardless of what we think about the meth-y, tattooed, Juggalo-esque look he’s got going, we can’t argue that he isn’t committed. (Or that he won’t be committed.) Considering his method acting — with co-stars Will Smith saying he hasn’t met Leto and Jai Courtney saying he’s never seen him out of character — and his turning to Batman experts like Grant Morrison for advice, we’ll wait and see if the performance trumps the goofy appearance come next August 5.
In the meantime, Leto himself seems optimistic about his work. Monday night, he posted this photo to his Instagram:
These appear to be the expensive, realistic maquettes made by Hot Toys of Heath Ledger’s Joker from The Dark Knight (2008) and Jack Nicholson’s Joker from Batman (1989). The caption — I’ll be honest — got a groan from me: “Don’t worry, Leto will make us proud.”
This… this seems like the type of thing a fan would post, but most actors would pretend not to see. But Leto doesn’t seem to care about what most actors would do.
(Via The Wrap and Jared Leto’s Instagram)