35 Geeky Valentine’s Day Cards


Every year we post several geeky parody valentines before Valentine’s Day. Yes, we’re a couple weeks early, but that’s not because it’s an absurdly slow news day and I’ve been starting one-sided arguments with my cat all morning to pass the time. No, that’s just a normal Tuesday. The real reason we’re posting these early is to give you time to acquire some of them for the ones you love, the ones you just sort of like, and the ones you start arguments with just to have something to do.

Last year’s valentines can be viewed here, and the year before last’s are here. (UPDATE: 40 new cards here and here.) Read on for the 35 we picked for this year’s gallery:

More cards from PaperRockScisorz to add to the group from last year

More cards from PaperRockScisorz to add to the group from last year

More cards from PaperRockScisorz to add to the group from last year

More cards from PaperRockScisorz to add to the group from last year

More cards from PaperRockScisorz to add to the group from last year

More cards from PaperRockScisorz to add to the group from last year

Via The Oatmeal (more available there)




Scott Pilgrim Valentine’s Day Cards By Liz Nelson

Scott Pilgrim Valentine’s Day Cards By Liz Nelson

Scott Pilgrim Valentine’s Day Cards By Liz Nelson

Team Fortress 2 valentines by Beavotron

Team Fortress 2 valentines by Beavotron

Team Fortress 2 valentines by Beavotron

Team Fortress 2 valentines by Beavotron

Team Fortress 2 valentines by Beavotron

Left 4 Dead valentines by Beavotron

Left 4 Dead valentines by Beavotron

Left 4 Dead valentines by Beavotron

Left 4 Dead valentines by Beavotron

Left 4 Dead valentines by Beavotron

Left 4 Dead valentines by Beavotron

Portal valentines by Beavotron

Portal valentines by Beavotron

Portal valentines by Beavotron

Skyrim card made by Jemma Salume.

Skyrim card made by Jemma Salume.

Skyrim card made by Jemma Salume.

Skyrim card made by Jemma Salume.

Made by Barbara Pala [via]

Star Wars card featuring Lando Calrissian available at Patrick McQuade’s Etsy shop (click to enlarge)
