A Compendium of Cool Comics Cosplay – August 26th

Once again it’s time for Gamma Squad’s regular Friday comic book cosplay feature, spotlighting the best superhero (and villain) related costuming from the cosplay community. With the season of cons upon us and hobby costumers demonstrating their art, there’s many cosplayers whose work we’d like to give credit to.

Gamma Squad is committed to giving a voice to the cosplay community. Each week we spotlight our favorite costumes and each month we host a cosplay contest. We’ll be picking a theme for each month and inviting cosplayers, costumers and photographers to submit related pictures of their work to our Flickr group to be considered. We’ll then pick our top choices and post them on Gamma Squad for the adoration of all.

The themes for the upcoming months are:

  • August: The Walking Dead
  • September: The DC Reboot
  • But in the meantime, let’s continue with this week’s selection!

    X-men: First Class Jean Grey cosplay by Ruskicho. Source: Flickr

    Kicking things off, an absolutely fantastic version of the Marvel Girl costume from the fan favorite “X-men: First Class” comic by Ruskicho.

    Hawkgirl cosplay at San Diego Comic-Con 2010 by Briana2. Source: Flickr

    Hitting last year’s San Diego Comic-Con, this Hawkgirl costume is exquisite in its detail. Incredible work!

    Mr. Fantastic / Reed Richards Cosplay at SDCC 2008. Photo by Foenix. Source: Flickr

    One cosplayer who’s completely captured the look and essence of a character. Complete with Cosmic Cube! For science!

    Batwoman Cosplay by neonlexicon on Cosplay.com. Source: Cosplay.com

    Neolexicon’s cosplay of Kate Kane vividly brings to life J.H. Williams III’s memorable design for the character. Absolutely stunning.

    Arcade cosplayer at Megacon 2011. Photo by Insane-Pencil on Deviantart. Source: Deviantart

    From the tips of his star spangled sneakers to the  top of his straw boater, this cosplayer nails every detail of Arcade’s gloriously ridiculous costume.

    Lois Lane – Superwoman cosplay by Tia Rodemeyer. Source: Facebook

    Stepping straight out of the pages of Grant Morrison’s All Star Superman book, veteran cosplayer Tia Rodemeyer’s cosplay of the super powered Lois Lane can only be described as flawless.

    Venom cosplay at New York Comic Con 2010. Photo by MarnieAnnJoyce. Source: Flickr

    Spider-Man villain Venom is a tough customer and even tougher to cosplay. It’s testament to this cosplayer that they pull off such an amazing version.

    Batgirl cosplay by AmazonMandy on Deviantart. Photo by Trevor Lindgren. Source: Deviantart

    With Cassandra Cain’s fate in the rebooted DC universe still uncertain, Batgirl’s fans are certain to make sure the character isn’t forgotten. The striking Batgirl design has certainly given cosplayers some great material to work with and this cosplay is one of the best.

    Elektra cosplay by Yukilefay. Costume by June-Amamiya. Source: Deviantart

    Elektra’s another firm favorite amongst cosplayers (and probably con-goers as well). Yukilefay certainly looks the part with this take on the character.

    Forbush Man cosplay by GeneveveX on Deviantart. Source: Deviantart

    Forbush Man cosplay. The concept itself defies any attempt at description or critique.