Are Cast Members Leaving the Spidey Musical?

We’ve already reported about Natalie Mendoza, who decided to quit “Spider-Man: Humpday Mashup Dump” because she got clobbered with a rope and was sick of taking painkillers and anti-nausea tablets to do her job. Well, now that Julie Taymor, who is insane [allegedly], is now also fired, some of the cast may be following suit.

You can’t really blame them: despite having a successful run, this is the biggest turd on Broadway, and considering how many terrible shows open on Broadway every year, that’s really saying something. Sure, the show has been making money: in fact, it’s been very successful. But it’s probably going to have the stench of failure hanging around it like farts for the next twenty years.

Meanwhile, now that a new writer and director are on board, they’re cutting some of the flab Taymor spent $65 million encrusting onto the show. This includes the infamous “Shoes song”, and we’re just going to quote Topless Robot quoting Gothamist here:

It’s like watered-down Christina Aguilera meets Sex and the City meets a wholesale rejection of feminism.

Aren’t those all the same thing? Anyway, let’s hope there’s pirate video of it, because that number is officially toast.

Now, let’s just throw out Bono’s score and get something that doesn’t suck in, mkay?

[ via the soft-shoe dancers at Topless Robot ]