‘BioShock’ Creator Ken Levine Is Working On A New Big, First-Person, Sci-fi Game

Back in early-2014 Ken Levine made the shocking, some might say irrational, decision to shut down Irrational Games, the studio behind the critically acclaimed BioShock series. Ken’s stated reason for closing the studio was that he wanted to work with a smaller team on more personal, experimental titles. Thus far we’ve received very few clues as to what Levine’s new project might entail.

Well, yesterday Levine took to Twitter to discuss his new game and frankly it sounds a lot like BioShock. The game will be sci-fi, large in scope and be played through a first-person perspective, with the big change being how the story is told – according to Levine the game will have a “Lego narrative” where various chunks of story can be recombined in different ways based on how you play the game. Here are a few of Levine’s more interesting Tweets

While we’re at it, here’s a video from a while back of Levine discussing the game’s Lego narrative approach. I have a sneaking suspicion Levine’s team may get larger and larger as this game develops and we may end up with something very BioShock-esque after all. Let’s hope.

via Gamespot