Last year, we learned that Darth Maul nearly had his own video game. It looked good! Alas, the Red Fly-developed game was canceled back in 2011, and that was the end of the story. Except, perhaps, maybe not, if Red Fly has its way.
As laid out in a Reddit AMA with Red Fly CEO Dan Borth, they’re currently pitching Disney and EA on reviving the game, which was essentially Batman: Arkham Asylum with Force powers. Normally, one would assume this is a bit of a long shot, but Disney has been sifting through the Star Wars back catalog in a surprisingly granular manner. The fact that the first game out of the contract they signed with EA is a new Battlefront title is no coincidence: Fans had been demanding a new game in the series that wasn’t a crappy mobile spin-off for quite literally a decade.
And Disney is planning on doing something with Darth Maul. One weird moment in Marvel’s recent Shattered Empire comics has Leia stumbling across an angry echo of Darth Maul on Naboo; it comes up, and it seems like it’ll be important, but it’s never mentioned again. Considering that comic is very much about the marketing department setting up other “synergy opportunities,” it’s safe to say Darth Maul has his fans over at the Mouse.
Will they revive the game? One hopes. Darth Maul deserves better than what his creator gave him. At the very least, let him have a second climactic fight!
(Via Nerdist)