Here’s How To Snag A Free Copy Of The Original ‘Dungeon Keeper’ Today

Free is good.

Earlier this month we posted a foul-mouthed rant about EA’s Dungeon Keeper (2014) for iPad and Android. One thing we mentioned was the superiority of Bullfrog Production’s original Dungeon Keeper (1997). Now Good Old Games is giving out the original game for free till tomorrow night as part of their Valentine’s Day sale. Because why not buy games as last-minute Valentine gifts?

The site is slow at the moment, but when it comes back you can snag a free copy of Dungeon Keeper Gold, which includes the expansion pack and normally costs $5.99. According to Eurogamer, the freebie is being funded by EA. Making amends for the new version’s barely-playable freemium model, perhaps?

Here’s the message I received when the page finally loaded:

GOG is also selling Dungeon Keeper 2 for $1.49 in the Valentine’s Day sale. They’ve even got a Dungeons & Dragons bundle marked 80% off at $21.10 (Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, Icewind Dale 1 and 2, Planescape: Torment, Neverwinter Nights, Temple of Elemental Evil, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, and D&D: Dragonshard). We’re still waiting for the much-needed DLC for all those games in which Ice-T does all the voices.