Funny, Sexy, And Awesome Cosplay Of The Week

Male Black Widow even nailed the sexy three-point landing.

It’s that time of the week where we post a mixed bag of intriguing costumes we spotted recently. Some of it’s new; some of it isn’t; all of it is worth highlighting.
Are you a cosplayer or cosplay photographer who would like to be featured on Gamma Squad? Upload your photos to our Flickr group to be considered.
Onward to the gallery:

(Click pictures to enlarge.)

She would scoot 4 U.

Rule 63 Thor crossplayed by Toni Darling.

“Father and child team up for a tremendous Han Solo riding a Tauntaun costume.” — SuperPunch

Demon Hunter, cosplayed by Spiral Cats Team.

Larger pictures on the next three pages.

More C2E2 pictures at GeeksAreSexy.

More C2E2 pictures at GeeksAreSexy.

More C2E2 pictures at GeeksAreSexy.

Can’t beat Air Man.

Based on Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time” series. More pictures at Dim Horizon Studio.

[Thanks to Clint for the tip!]

“Hulk Smash!” — DCWKA

“And for tomorrow’s forecast a 98% chance of JUSTICE.” — Reddit