Here’s A 12-Minute First Look At ‘Broken Age: Act 2’ Running On The PS4

Warning: The above video features spoilers for Broken Age: Act 1.

Tim Schafer’s Broken Age was a definitive crowdfunding success story. It ignited the Kickstarter revolution, and everyone was eagerly awaiting the point-and-click goodness… and then Double Fine ran out of money. Whoops.

Broken Age had to be split in two, with proceeds from the first act being used to fund the second act. Fans have been waiting a long time (more than a year) for Schafer to finish his story, but thankfully, Broken Age: Act 2 is almost here, and the game’s coming to consoles, too!

Above, we have a first, 12-minute look at Broken Age: Act 2 on the PS4. I won’t discuss too deeply what happens in the video to avoid spoilers, but it features Broken Age protagonists Shay and Vella exploring each other’s worlds.

The precise release date for Broken Age: Act 2 still isn’t known, but it’s coming soon.

via IGN