Let's End the Day on a Giant WTF — Girl Loses Feet After Gaming Marathon, Then Participates in History's Most Awkward Interview

Soooo, here’s a thing — as part of her college thesis on video game addiction Roxanne Myers thought she needed to prove, I dunno, something, by sitting up for two days straight playing games. During her marathon gaming session she fell asleep and due to the way she was sitting and a pre-existing medical condition, blood clots formed in her lower extremities. Part of her feet ended up being amputated.

It only gets weirder — she then apparently agreed to the interview below, which is hands down one of the most off-putting, awkward interactions between two human beings I’ve ever witnessed.

For one, it’s filmed like a porno, and yet oddly the interviewer neglects to ask standard questions like “what size are those?” or “can you arch that a little more?” — instead he asks monumentally inane questions like “did having your feet amputated hurt”? At one point the girl admits she contemplated suicide and both her and the interviewer giggle uncomfortably for like 10 straight seconds. It’s completely insane. About halfway through the video I’d convinced myself it had to be some sort of parody, or elaborate bit of Tim and Eric-style anti-comedy, but then they cut to her foot stubs, and I’m pretty sure something in my brain exploded.

You can watch the video for yourself after the jump. Prepare to be squicked out…

The guys who produced that abomination of an interview also posted a bunch of pictures of her mangled feet (not for the faint of heart), so at least that part of the story is legit I guess.

But there’re still so many questions. Questions like, what kind of dumbass thesis was this girl writing to begin with? When the guy asks about video game addiction near the end of the video the best she can come up with is “um, well, people get into these games so much that they don’t have any concerns for their health. For instance this one time I played games until my feet fell off! Proof!” It’s an argument is so stupid it makes me want to yell at a cute girl who just tragically lost her feet, which isn’t something I have the urge to do often.

So in summary — I have no f–king idea guys.

via Guyism