Let’s Liveblog Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘Gotham’ Lights Up A Scarecrow

Last week, Gotham showed us a few important plot points, not to mention the fact that Bullock has a shocking lack of game and that Gordon has way more than we suspected. This week, though, it appears we’ll see the Scarecrow in action. We’ll be liveblogging that, plus here’s a look at what else is on for geeks tonight.

All times are Eastern.


Gotham, Fox: Apparently the big Bruce plotline this week is he goes on some vision quest into the woods while Gordon chases the plot we actually care about. Oh, great. That’s relevant. Will he also be threatened by a cougar?

The Originals, The CW: Once again, I have no idea what’s going on in this show, but the preview clips sure are entertaining. What did screenwriters do to fill in exposition before smartphones?


Sleepy Hollow, Fox: The team meets Thomas Jefferson in this episode. We expect at least one Sally Hemings joke.

Elektra, FXM: In case you needed a reminder of why Daredevil got a reboot.

The liveblogging begins at 8pm EST tonight. Join us, won’t you?