Battleborn is the new online arena shooter from Borderlands developer Gearbox Software. Since Battleborn publisher 2K Games largely ignores E3, the game kind of flew under the radar at the show, but after a bit of a wait we can now show you 20 minutes of footage of what was demoed on the E3 show floor.
Since this is a Gearbox game, it’s filled with quirky, unique characters, and this footage introduces us to five of them. There’s the sword-wielding princess, the four-armed witchy-type creature, an elvish lady who shoots a mean bow, a robo dude with big guns, and more.
This isn’t necessarily my type of game, but it does look like it has a decent amount of personality. Any MOBA fans out there? What do you think of Battleborn?
(Via VG 24/7)