Own A Handcrafted ED-E From ‘Fallout: New Vegas’

Etsy user DevilsJewel has designed some ‘Fallout’ sculptures every gamer in need of a robotic companion is sure to want.

I used SCRAP METAL x3, SENSOR MODULE x2, and a SCRAP ELECTRONICS x1 to make it…just kiddin =) Every miniature’s main body is hand sculpted of firm polymer clay (not FIMO!), so you can be sure you receive a unique item, detailed with plastic and metal parts. Hand painted with professional modelling acryllics to recreate the actual 50’s tech painting scheme and coated with fixative, to keep the paint safe.

This ED-E measures approximately 5cm in diameter + approximately 10cm antennas.

Every eye-bot comes with suitable stainless steel wire display stand.


DevilsJewel, a 24-year-old product design student in Tel Aviv, Israel, told Gamma Squad each figure takes about three days to make and there are plans for more “Fallout” models to be made in the future. “I’m definitely looking forward building a collection of Fallout creatures, and currently working on Securitron (YesMan, Victor) type robot.” Check out more pictures of ED-E and the eye-bot from “Fallout 3”.

Check out DevilsJewel’s eye-bot from “Fallout 3”.