Watch What Happens When An Awesome Family Comes Together For A ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Marriage Proposal

Sometimes cosplay and weddings collide in awesomely geeky ways, like the battle wedding, the Calvin & Hobbes wedding, and these engagement announcements. Redditor ByTingo was unexpectedly roped into a now-viral engagement photo set when her boyfriend got the whole family involved in a Pride and Prejudice themed engagement.

The surprise Pride and Prejudice engagement began when ByTingo walked into her parents’ house and was accosted by her sister, who was wearing a Regency dress and said Mr. Bingley had returned to Netherfield at last.

Another sister told her she was Lizzie Bennet and gave her one of the many period costumes her mother made on a budget of a few hundred dollars. She shouldn’t have been entirely surprised by the costuming; she says her fiance showed up to one of their first dates dressed as The Doctor.

Her brother-in-law was Mr. Bingley (with the perfect mustache for the situation), and that’s her boyfriend on the right playing Mr. Darcy.

“Just about lost it, but everyone else did a great job of keeping character for half an hour of scenes from [Pride and Prejudice],” she says.

She says, “I told my fiance about everyone saying it was a missed opportunity for [Pride and Prejudice and Zombies]. He said ‘There’s still the wedding.'”

Check out the full photo set and commentary over on Reddit.