Spider-Man 3 is not the worst superhero movie, or really even the worst Spider-Man movie. It’s even got its endearing touches; Parker the dork trying desperately to look evil, but instead coming up with a dumb emo haircut remains one of the funniest gags in the entire series. But it’s just too much plot packed into too little time, and too much melodrama. And Sam Raimi, to his credit, owns up to his part, but he’d love a chance to make it right.
Talking to The Week about the upcoming Ash vs. Evil Dead, he weighed in on Spider-Man 3:
I messed up on the third one. I think they’re so complete now, Marvel. They probably don’t need me anymore. But if they needed me? I’d love to.
Really, what we need here is Raimi on a Marvel Netflix series. No, really; it doesn’t come up as often as it should, but Raimi’s a prolific TV producer with his friend Rob Tapert, and in fact Daredevil‘s showrunner Steven S. DeKnight worked with Tapert and Raimi on the last two seasons of Spartacus. Raimi would be perfect for, say, the Moon Knight series fans are beginning to beg Marvel for, or to finally deliver an adaptation of Nextwave. Really, who wouldn’t want to see Sam Raimi siccing broccoli men on a bunch of second-rate superheroes?
(Via The Week)