Well, I guess Microsoft may as well throw in the towel. Snoop Dogg has converted to the PS4.
Yesterday, Xbox Live hit a rough patch. Matchmaking, cloud storage, friends lists, and other features were down or not working properly, which is annoying for a paid service, but something you occasionally have to put up with. Well, unless you’re Snoop f*cking Dogg, who took to Instagram to state his displeasure. Warning: the following video contains some salty language. A transcript is below.
“A message to Xbox One or Microsoft or whoever the f*ck. Y’all f*ckin’ servers f*cking wack, man. You’re gonna make me switch to PlayStation if y’all don’t ever get this sh*t fixed. It’s that difficult to play somebody online? What the f*ck are you doing, Bill Gates? Fix your sh*t, man.”
You heard the man. FIX YOUR SH*T, BILL.
The past evening, Microsoft managed to resolve most of Xbox Live’s issues, but apparently it wasn’t enough for Mr. Dogg. He again hit Instagram with an update:
“Xbox One f*cking sucks online. PS4 here we come. Ceo. Hit my peoples up we done with Xbox.”
Yes, when Snoop Dogg changes consoles, he expects his machine to be delivered by the CEO of the company. I fully expect his demands will be met.
via Polygon