Sony’s PlayStation Virtual Reality Headset Will Hit The Market In October

virtual reality

A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view, and you don’t even need a magic carpet to make it happen? The next virtual reality headset to hit the market will be Sony’s PlayStation VR set, and it can all be yours for the low, low price of four hundred US dollars. After years of being referred to as the code name “Project Morpheus,” the headset will finally be available to the general public for all of your virtual reality needs.  According to Engadgetthe complete system and all that comes with it sounds like a great start to your virtual reality obsession:

It’s exclusive to the PlayStation 4 console — and it has a fairly strong install base, considering Sony has sold 36 million PS4 units since the console’s launch in 2013.

There are more than 230 developers creating content for PS VR, Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House announced at today’s event. Sony expects roughly 50 games to launch alongside PS VR. Additionally, EA, Lucasfilm and DICE are creating a Star Wars: Battlefront experience for Sony’s system.

Well if Star Wars content is involved, then there’s a good chance sales will reflect the fan fervor of that franchise. Sony made the official product announcement at the Game Developers Conference currently taking place in San Francisco, and the internet immediately put its excited hat on. However, some weren’t happy about the revelation that $400 does not include everything needed to successfully use the headset. All told, extra necessities and add-ons run the price close to a hundred dollars more. Whether the experience itself is worth the hefty price tag is yet to be seen, but the concept of developers creating new forms of entertainment for this nascent platform might be worth spending half a month’s rent on a new toy just to find out.

(via Engadget)