Folks, if there’s one thing you can count on from me, it’s that I will bring you all the exciting 3D-printing and/or candy news I can. Because I find both 3D-printing and candy to be amazing feats in human achievement. Quite frankly, I feel this shows I’ve got my priorities in order.* I mean, I could be smoking the pot or hacking the identities.
The Magic Candy Factory is the world’s first 3D-printer for gummy candies, available at the Katjes candy company’s Katjes Café Grün-Ohr in Berlin. Using an iPad and a food-grade 3D-printer, kids of all ages can choose from different shapes, seven different colors, and 10 different flavors (like mango, apple, and blackberry) to create their own specialized candy.
You can even adjust the level of sourness you want. Print out your name in fruit gum, with a custom label on the wrapper, for 5 euros (about $6). Each candy is 10 to 20 grams. The process takes up to 10 minutes. All of the candy is vegan, gluten-free and dairy free.
Check out the first gummy printer in action:
The Magic Candy Factory is currently only in Germany, but the Katjes company hopes to expand to other locations in 2016. The dream is to have a candy-printing kiosk wherever there are people who need gummy candies. My favorite enthusiastic child from the video is Totally Unimpressed Candy Girl.
I may actually adopt that child.
*I guess you can overdose on high fructose corn syrup, if by overdose you mean lose a foot, and by lose a foot, I mean diabetes, which I am genetically predisposed to, so right after this, I’m going to go have some celery.
(via 3DPrint)