Honest Trailers Makes A Strong Case For The ’90s ‘X-Men’ Cartoon Being Better Than The Movies

If you grew up during the ’90s, you’re guaranteed to have a soft spot for the X-Men animated series. Sure, it wasn’t as good as Batman: The Animated Series, but it was solid, surprisingly ambitious stuff. Despite having to work within a G-rated Saturday morning cartoon framework, the show tried its best to pull off all of the X-Men’s most iconic storylines and, as Honest Trailers ably points out, they actually did a lot of them better than the big-budget X-Men movies.

The cartoon version of Days of Future Past was certainly less confusing than the movie version, and it even included Cable! And it goes without saying the animated Dark Phoenix Saga was better than the Brett Ratner disaster. As Honest Trailer points out, the X-Men cartoon was packed with all sorts of Marvel Easter eggs and cameos. Punisher, Cable, Ms. Marvel, Deadpool, Dr. Strange – the X-Men cartoon was the Marvel Cinematic Universe before anybody dreamed such a thing could happen.

Will the animated take on Apocalypse end up being better than the movie version? Based on most early reviews of X-Men: Apocalypse, it seems like it’s going to be the case. I mean, we definitely know the movie won’t have a better theme song…