The key to surviving the zombie apocalypse is to avoid all other humans. Everyone knows it's always those other idiots who bring back a hidden infected bite. One thing leads to another and suddenly it is mass chaos.
WELL NOW IT'S ALL RUINED! Thanks to Design Different, every scrub with an Internet connection can order a custom map of how to escape the undead hordes. How are those of us who had a Zombie Survival Plan before it was “cool” supposed to rule the post-apocalyptic wasteland uncontested now!?
Of course, this could all be a trap. What kind of person would take the INTERSTATE to safety? The kind that wants to be trapped in bumper-to-bumper traffic until they're overtaking by a swarm of zombies, that's who. Check out the places you should definitely avoid now when the inevitable happens because these zones will be full to bursting with flesh sacks ripe for sparking a zombie virus outbreak.
#1 – California “safety” zone
Source: Design Different
Do not travel over 600 miles. Conserve that fuel for other uses, like cooking or bartering. With the water situation in California, you're best bet is Lake Tahoe or north and east out of the state all together. Whatever you do, don't just cut straight east across the desert!
#2 – Georgia “safety” zone
Source: Design Different
The Georgia coastline is riddled with deltas and islands. Unless the zombies can swim, you're better off restarting civilization with by commandeering boats with friends and setting up a barbed-wire community off the coast.
After the jump, see 10 more states with “safety” zones you should avoid at all costs. Or, if you don't see your state (or country!) head over to Design Different to commission your own red herring zombie map to pass out to people you don't like very much.