Unless you live under a rock – or don't live on social media – you know that Apple hosted their annual reveal today. The Twittersphere was alive with activity; both fans and detractors rapid-firing text into the void at a rate so fast, everyone's feed looked like a “Matrix” simulation. Apple showcased the new iPhone 6, with its myriad of levels and features. But the real story was just one more thing…
…the Apple Watch. Not the iWatch (because that's what our digital overlords are doing and they don't want us to remember that every time we compulsively check the time). Reception was mixed but we collected some of the funniest reactions below!
#1 – We don't need fancy gizmos to soothe our existential crises.
I don't need some new piece of technology to tell me who I am. I am a blood thermos.
– Mike Primavera (@primawesome) September 9, 2014
#2 – Something about this event seemed familiar to fans of 90s Toonami.
The #AppleEvent feels like a bunch of dads being voiced by a character from Sailor Moon
– Brian Gaar (@briangaar) September 9, 2014
#3 – Why spend money when you can DIY this for pennies on the dollar?
Just saved myself 350 quid pic.twitter.com/SpdvesIog7
– Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) September 9, 2014
#4 – The possibility of the Apple Singularity™ draws ever closer.
What if I'm wearing my Apple Watch and I reach for my iPhone 6 and the watch hits my iPhone 6 Plus, which is resting on my iPad? Will I die?
– Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) September 9, 2014
#5 – Welcome to the future! The creepy, creepy future.
I can't wait to find out that friends and family have died because I can't see their hearts beating on my watch. Thank you, ?Watch!
– ADadABeardACanal (@DadBeard) September 9, 2014
#6 – Excuse me, why is this not a feature?
Why are you guys knocking that Apple watch thingy that's a time control device? Wait. What? It just TELLS time?
– Twitnter is Coming (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 9, 2014
#7 – More proof Apple is really aiming at the dad demographic.
Every single iTunes user will receive the new U2 album for free. Here's a great place to store it: pic.twitter.com/mbEBoycr0S
– Brian Altano (@agentbizzle) September 9, 2014
#8 – Or at least a very specific dad demographic.
Apple Watch requires you to have an iPhone. So, at an additional cost of $349, fair to say they're targeting the rich douchebag demographic?
– Darren Franich (@DarrenFranich) September 9, 2014
#9 – However, it won't help if you've misplaced said dad.
Yes, but can the Apple watch find my dad?
– Jaime Linn (@JaimeSamantha) September 9, 2014
#10 – Filed under “Things that make you go, 'Huh.'”
If you rearrange the letters in “Apple Watch” you get…”Help, Cat Paw!” and I guess that doesn't mean anything but it took me a while to do
– Ryan Patricks (@Ryan_Patricks) September 9, 2014
#11 – The hard truth about Apple Watch feature usage.
already drawing penises on my iwatch pic.twitter.com/XBLFsUq9nD
– Christian Zamora (@Christian_Zamo) September 9, 2014
#12 – And a hard truth about mobile devices in general.
As long as my Apple Watch adds to my societal disconnection, I'm in!
– Mike Roe (@MikeRoe) September 9, 2014
#13 – AND a hard truth about the state of America's phalanges.
#AppleWatch has scrolling dial…cause your fat sausage fingers are too big to do screen touch
– K H A I L (@KhailAnonymous) September 9, 2014
#14 – Basically.
u guys I got this incredible screensaver on my new #applewatch pic.twitter.com/kgdrH6Pjqj
– Matthew Inman (@Oatmeal) September 9, 2014
#15 – Is this the slogan? This should totally be the slogan.
#AppleWatch – “Never look into the eyes of your loved ones again.”
– Tom Taylor (@TomTaylorMade) September 9, 2014