2015 Golden Globes nominees snubs and surprises: What happened to ‘Unbroken?’

Thursday morning, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association woke every awards season addict up at the crack of dawn to announce the nominees for the 72nd Golden Globe Awards. For those following every step on the road to the Oscars, many of the nominations were predictable and safe. But even the HFPA goes off the rails sometimes, making bold and baffling choices that can shake up the race.

Below, our look at some of the bigger snubs and surprises in both the film and television categories:

Surprise: Everything “Annie”
Sony Pictures is keeping the lid on reactions to its rejiggered musical remake, but early word suggests something… just fine. Either those vague reactions are seriously under-appreciating “Annie” or the upbeat, adorable showstopper struck the sappy HFPA voters right in their hearts. The organization didn't nominate Quvenzhané Wallis for her Oscar-approved “Beasts of the Southern Wild” performance, but they found room for her in the Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical category alongside Julianne Moore in “Map to the Stars.” Singer Sia earned love for Best Song, more plausible, while still baffling considering the options (no “Everything Is Awesome?”). HFPA must have a thing for orphans.

Snub/Surprise: Unbroken goes un-nominated
If there;s an Oscar-baity movie this season, it's Angelina Jolie's Olympian-plane-crash-survivor-WWII-prisoner-of-war epic “Unbroken.” So a Golden Globes shutout feels particularly snubbish – this is the HFPA, lover of stars and easy-to-digest drama. Reception to film hasn”t been great, but something is seriously wrong when the Globes aren”t chasing Jolie for her front-seat attendance at the show. Surprise! Everything we knew is wrong. And maybe the most unexpected on that score…

Snub/Surprise: The HFPA didn't take to Angelina Jolie or Clint Eastwood as directors
Give the Globes credit: With Wes Anderson, Ava DuVernay, and David Fincher in their Best Director line-up, they may wind up looking a little more adventurous than the Academy voters by the end of the season. Known for bowing at the alter of legacy figures, HFPA opted out of nominating Jolie for “Unbroken” and Eastwood for “American Sniper.” Both movies wait in the wings for release and missing out on awards publicity won't do either any favors at the box office.

Snub: “Begin Again” ends again
With Harvey Weinstein”s shmoozing behind it and the addition of Comedy/Musical categories, “Begin Again” should have had its day in the sun. The film went completely shut out, not even adding fuel to the fire for its Best Original Song campaign (the only place where the folksy musical could really sneak in for the Oscars). Weinstein will have to settle for five “Imitation Game” nominations and the peripheral “Big Eyes” love.

Surprise: “Foxcatcher” bags a Best Picture nom
Word from awards screenings suggested that “Foxcatcher” was too grim for HFPA voters and that it would likely fall to the wayside come voting time. Whether it was the undeniable star power or artistry involved, voters couldn”t look away from Bennett Miller's chilly true crime tale. The Golden Globe nomination could be the bump the film needed to claim a Best Picture slot.

Surprise: Oh right, Helen Mirren was in a movie this year!
Yes, this category desperately needed room for Jenny Slate”s gut-busting “Obvious Child” role and Melissa McCarthy”s subtly scene-stealing work in “St. Vincent.” But those who actually saw Helen Mirren”s militant chef character in “The Hundred-Foot Journey” know that she can whip the fluffiest material into high caliber acting. A surprise without outrage. If anything, blame Quvenzhané.

Surprise: “Tangerines” bumps out major foreign titles
HFPA opted for Estonia”s entry over buzzier titles like “Timbuktu,” “Winter Sleep,” and “Two Days, One Night.” Now it”s a must-see before Oscar time. 

(Head to the next page for Dan's TV snubs and surprises.)

Snub: Julia Roberts for “The Normal Heart”
Did the HFPA not get the memo that they're supposed to love movie stars and honor them any time they get TV?

Snub: Tatiana Maslany for “Orphan Black”
The Globes were cool kids last year when they joined various critics groups in honoring Maslany. Now they're back to just being the Golden Globes.

Snub: Amy Poehler
Ouch. “Thanks for hosting again, Amy. What? We gave you a win last year. You wanted something more? What's that? We're stuck with James Franco hosting next year?”

Snub: “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”
Last year, many people were confused and mocked the Golden Globes for honoring “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” and Andy Samberg perhaps a bit pre maturing. But “Brooklyn” grew steadily better last year and this year and grew to nearly deserve the accolades. So naturally, “Brooklyn” and Samberg are nowhere to be seen.

Surprises: The “Jane the Virgin” Comedy Series nod
Gina Rodriguez was always a likely nominee. She's terrific and she fits the HFPA profile for up-and-coming leading ladies perfectly. But who expected a series nomination for a CW show? And, more than that, who expected a comedy series nomination for a CW show?

Surprise: Allison Tolman and Colin Hanks for “Fargo”
Martin Freeman and Billy Bob Thornton were no-brainers, but it's very nice to see the HFPA noticing some of the supporting players who made “Fargo” so great.