255 days until Star Wars: That time C-3P0 had babies and Monkey-Lizard Jedi took over the Senate

In case you missed it, LucasBooks announced last month that author Chuck Wendig had been tapped to write “Star Wars: Aftermath.” The novel is set, appropriately enough, in the immediate aftermath of “Return of the Jedi” and is due out this September.

If you”ve ever wondered what the turnaround is on this kind of project, Mr. Wendig finished his first draft of the novel today. How do I know? Because he was hilariously live-tweeting it as he drew towards the finish line. Will any of these tongue-in-cheek tidbits be alluded to in the final version? One can only hope.

Below, watch in real-time* as Chuck Wendig finishes “Aftermath” using terrible puns to power through.

*Now past-time as these tweets are obviously from earlier. Unless you have slipped into the timestream and are reading this from both the past and present. In which case, the time draws closer. Say nothing.











