Until today, I didn”t fully understand the Ryan Gosling obsession that America seems to have. What made me finally see the light? It wasn”t “The Notebook”, it wasn”t “Drive”…it was a bowl of cereal. That”s right, today the heartthrob actor posted a Vine of himself eating a spoonful of cereal, and it will be the best thing you watch all day. Here are three reasons why:
1. It”s an homage to a bigger project: “Ryan Gosling Wont Eat His Cereal”
Scottish filmmaker Ryan McHenry created a series of artistic Vine videos in which he would try to feed a spoonful of cereal to Ryan Gosling as he acted on screen in some of his best-known roles. McHenry coordinated it so that just as his spoon was approaching on-screen Gosling”s mouth, Gosling would recoil, disinterested, or even swat the spoon away. These Vines are extremely charming, please check them out.
2.It”s evidence that Ryan Gosling might be the kindest man in show business
At only 27 years old, Ryan McHenry died of osteosarcoma, a cancer that originates in the bones. In honor of his life, Ryan Gosling decided to sit down and finally eat a bowl of cereal, something that McHenry, no doubt, would have loved to see.
3.Gosling is a cereal-eating pro!
Ironically, after all that time rejecting cereal, it turns out that he is very good at consuming it. Each moment is full of charisma and ease, as if this cereal has been the only thing missing from his life. He and the cereal are one. He and the cereal were meant to be.
In connection with the Vine, Gosling tweeted “My heart goes out to all of Ryan McHenry”s family and friends. Feel very lucky to have been a part of his life in some small way”. Now, if that doesn”t melt your cold heart, I just don”t know what will.