Amazon picking up ‘Hand of God,’ while ‘Red Oaks’ and ‘The Cosmopolitans’ are in ‘serious contention’

Amazon picking up “Hand of God,” while “Red Oaks” and “The Cosmopolitans” are in “serious contention”
Deadline reports that of the five pilots unveiled last month, drama “Hysteria” and comedy “Really” aren”t going forward. But the Ron Perlman series “Hand of God” is definitely a go, though Amazon won”t make a formal announcement until next week.

FCC is considering imposing fines for saying “Redskins” on broadcast TV
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said the commission will look into a petition that calls for sanctions on any broadcast station that uses the controversial name of the Washington NFL team.

Watch the 1-minute “American Horror Story: Freak Show” trailer
See Sarah Paulson in action as conjoined twins.

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ABC buys “Broad Squad,” a female cop procedural set in 1978
The producers of “Gossip Girl” are developing this project about Boston”s first female patrol officers.

Has “Key & Peele” become too fixated on “True Detective”?
Season 4 so far could be summed up as “”Dude, Key and Peele saw 'True Detective' so hard that everything is now 'True Detective' for them.”

Jon Stewart responds to angry One Direction fans
“I had to log off my own Instagram,” “The Daily Show” host said of last week”s backlash. “They're vicious!”

Syfy unveils the 1st “Ascension” trailer starring Tricia Helfer
The “Battlestar Galactica” alum returns to outer space for this miniseries thriller.

Lena Dunham”s $3.7M book deal vs. Aziz Ansari”s $3.5M book deal
While the “Girls” star has received tons of coverage over her book deal, the “Parks and Rec” star was mostly ignored.

RIP Saturday morning cartoons
It was the end of an era Saturday with the demise of CW”s cartoon block.

How the NY Times” reacted to John Oliver”s takedown of its native advertising
The Times' publisher and chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr. called the paper”s advertising chief into his office and they had a good laugh over the recent segment.

“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” cast: Then vs. Now
See how much the cast has changed using the web”s slider technology.

“19 Kids and Counting”s” Jessa Duggar compared the Holocaust to abortion
Read what the 21-year-old”s controversial comments after visiting the Holocaust Museum.

Bill Clinton wasn”t happy with Phil Hartman”s “SNL” impression of him
According to “The Life and Times of Phil Hartman,” the president sent Hartman a signed photo with the inscription, “To Phil Hartman-You”re not the president, but you play one on TV and you”re OK-mostly.”

Was “Family Guy”s” crossover with “The Simpsons” an act of self-hatred?
What Sunday”s crossover did do, says Matt Zoller Seitz, “is clarify that the creative team on 'Family Guy' is carrying around a pretty major load of self-hatred over the mostly unflattering ways in which it's been compared to 'The Simpsons.””

PBS” “MAKERS: Women in Comedy” acts as sort of a tribute to Joan Rivers
Tonight”s hour-long documentary opens with an interview with Rivers and also features comments from Sarah Silverman, Whitney Cummings and Roseanne Barr.

“The Roosevelts” vs. “House of Cards”
Watch Ken Burns and “House of Cards” creator Beau Willimon compare and contrast real and fictional presidencies.

Nicki Minaj is hosting MTV”s European Music Awards
She”ll host the Nov. 9 event from Glasgow, Scotland.

Comedy Central announces “Artie Lange: The Stench of Failure”
The former Howard Stern sidekick will recall his tumultuous years in a one-hour special.

Family of dead “NCIS” security guard wins $10.4M judgment from CBS
Julio Villamariona was killed when a CBS production van carrying “NCIS” crew members crashed when the driver had a medical emergency and lost control, according to TMZ.

Check out “The Office” alum Oscar Nunez on his new courtroom show “Benched”
He plays a public defender on the USA comedy.

MTV”s “Happyland” goes “straight for the incest jugular”
The plot twist on MTV”s new show premiering tonight isn”t shocking. It”s lazy. PLUS: It feels so indifferently executed and cast.

Read Lena Dunham”s most shocking confessions from her new book
In “Not That Kind of Girl,” Dunham tells how male Hollywood execs treated her like garbage before she got her own HBO series. PLUS: Her book contains more shtick than honesty, and listen to Dunham on “Fresh Air.”

Alex Trebek calls a female “Jeopardy!” contestant by the wrong name
The show has posted this unaired blooper.

“Selfie” is anti-selfie – it”s a brilliant yet terrible show
“”Selfie,' horrendous title aside, is a peculiar TV show,” says Kevin Fallon. “It”s unusual that a TV show is so simultaneously of-its-time and instantly dated. It”s not often that a comedy is both this endearing and repugnant. It”s hard to remember when a sitcom was as relatable and inviting as it is alienating. Rarely is a TV show as brilliant and as terrible as 'Selfie.”” PLUS: “Selfie”s” mistake is drawing its characters too negatively and broadly, it”s the sitcom we deserve – not the one we wanted, a charming show is hindered by its title and opening minutes, it”s like “Pygmalion” with cell phones, there”s a good show in here somewhere, it takes 2 appealing actors and squanders everything, and John Cho and Karen Gillan take a selfie as a “metaphor” before their premiere.

“Manhattan Love Story” is nowhere near as adorable as it thinks it is
On the new ABC romcom, “the attitude seems to be, Why convey something through acting when you can convey it through voice-over?” says Margaret Lyons. “It's a weird shortcut on a show that would benefit tremendously from less dialogue and more emotions.” PLUS: There is no heat between the leads, and none of it is actually cute or romantic.