Adam Lambert and 19 Recordings have “amicably” split.
The “American Idol” runner-up remains signed to RCA, according to The Hollywood Reporter. To explain a little further, the recording division of 19 Entertainment has dibs on signing any of the “American Idol” finalists and then places them with a label. For the first nine seasons, 19 Recordings when through BMG labels –and Sony after the Sony BMG merger– and then switched to Universal Music Group two seasons ago. For example, Carrie Underwood is signed to 19/Arista, Kelly Clarkson to 19/RCA, Scotty McCreery to 19/Mercury. The deal allows 19 to have a say in the creative direction of the artist’s music, while continuing to profit from sales.
Lambert split from 19 Management in August 2011 and is handled by Direct Management Group by the same team who manages Katy Perry. 19 Management manages such former “AI” contestants as Casey Abrams, Philip Phillips and Haley Reinhart.
No reason was given for the break-up by either side, though a representative for Lambert told THR, as one does in this situation, that the two parties split “amicably and with the utmost respect for each other.”
While signed to 19/RCA, Lambert has released two studio albums and several live projects. His second studio album, “Trespassing,” while critically acclaimed, did not do well at radio and spawned no major hits, even after debuting at No. 1 on the Billboard 200.
It looks like Lambert will stay on RCA direct for his third studio album. THR says conversations about the set have already begun.
Lambert, who has gone on Twitter spiels lately about “Les Miserables” and bullying, has been silent about the label changes.