We're going to consider today an experiment in “Ask Drew,” and the results, much like everything else about this show, depend on you.
We managed to schedule an “Ask Drew” to fall right between the Toronto Film Festival and my vacation, which I'm already enjoying in Austin, Texas, where I'm going to attend the tenth anniversary of Fantastic Fest and eat roughly twice my own weight in brisket.
One of the changes we're making to the show involves my appearance. I am aware that this is shot on video and then shown to actual people, but I am, like many writers, not as focused on the external as the internal. I've heard enough feedback, though, that I've decided to try to class it up just a wee bit. So I'm going to ask you… how do you feel about this week's episode?
The questions, of course, are good as always. You guys asked about diversity in upcoming Marvel movies, the new Anna Kendrick musical (which I am kicking myself for not seeing in Toronto), and we played one of the easiest rounds of Movie God so far. What I love about this show and the interaction we've been able to have so far is that I'm learning a lot about what's important to you, and that can only be a good thing. I think of this all as a dialogue, because if it's just a monologue, me shouting opinions into the void, then what's the point? I write what I write so it will be read and so we can use that as a springboard into a larger conversation, and “Ask Drew” has been a lovely way to help crystallize some of those talking points.
I'll be taping the next episode on Tuesday the 29th, so get your questions about Fantastic Fest or anything else you're interested in ready and send them to video@hitfix.com, and as always, thanks for playing along.