Everyone is trying to figure out the Song of the Summer. Meanwhile, we already have the Meme of the Summer™ and it involves Beyonce and her flawless dance moves.
Days ago, someone in the depths of the Beyhive noticed that Beyonce is ALWAYS on beat. Not just to her own music, but to any music you care to dub over her dancing. It”s pretty mind-boggling.
One video that is getting particular attention is this hilarious mash-up of “Single Ladies” with the theme to every 90s kid favorite cartoon about billionaire ducks, “Duck Tales.”
[Via ViralViralVideos]
Of course as this is all part of a larger Beyonce meme that is sweeping the Internet, known as #BeyonceAlwaysOnBeat, there are dozens more entries. The phenomenon has taken over Vine, Tumblr, and Instagram, producing uncanny results.
Beyonce on beat with “Thriller.”
Beyonce on beat with “U Can't Touch This.”
Beyonce on beat to “Uma Thurman.”https://platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js
Beyonce on beat to “Push It.”
And of course, Beyonce on beat to the “Barney” theme song.
Need more? Just head to your social media site of choice and search “BeyonceAlwaysOnBeat.” I guarantee you'll not be disappointed!