Update: Billy Crystal and Whoopi Goldberg give the most eloquent reaction to Robin Williams’ death

To a generation, Robin Williams, Billy Crystal and Whoopi Goldberg will forever be linked. The trio of comedy talents hosted the groundbreaking “Comic Relief” specials from 1986 to 2006. Over those two decades all three stars had major ups, major downs and ended up hosting the Academy Awards (OK, technically Williams hosted the Oscar show four days before the first “Relief,” but it had been announced). And when one hosted you could almost guarantee one of the remaining two would appear as a presenter on the show with a wave or a kiss back to his or her good friend.

Eventually, someone got smart and put Williams and Crystal in a movie together. Unfortunately, 1997's “Father's Day” wasn't the comedy hit the duo's fans were waiting for. But hey, there was always that time they made a surprise cameo on “Friends.” Or when they had fun with Andre Agassi at a celebrity tennis match. Or when they appeared together on Jerry Lewis' MDA Telethon. Or had fun during the 2004 Academy Awards.

Goldberg has not reacted publicly to Williams' death yet, but late on Monday night Crystal took to twitter with all he needed to say.

UPDATE: Whoopi Goldberg followed Billy on Tuesday morning:


For a stroll down memory lane, here's Crystal and Williams' charming bit from the aforementioned Oscars telecast.
