On Friday afternoon, Carrie Fisher and her mother, Debbie Reynolds, were laid to rest in a joint ceremony following a star-studded memorial service on Thursday. While a small group of friends and family were there to honor the Hollywood icons, Fisher decided to leave them all with one last joke: the urn that contained her ashes was shaped like a giant Prozac pill.
Honestly, this send off could not be more perfect. Fisher had long been an advocate for being open about mental health struggles and seeking the proper care and medication for each individual. In her memoir, Wishful Drinking, she spoke at length about being bipolar, saying:
“I thought I would inaugurate a Bipolar Pride Day. You know, with floats and parades and stuff! On the floats we would get the depressives, and they wouldn’t even have to leave their beds—we’d just roll their beds out of their houses, and they could continue staring off miserably into space. And then for the manics, we’d have the manic marching band, with manics laughing and talking and shopping and f*cking and making bad judgment calls.”
While this was a joke, the idea that people should be transparent about their mental illness was truly revolutionary on the part of Fisher. Many credit her for coming to terms with their own illness, and she was an advocate to the very end. This may not be “drowning in moonlight, strangled by her own bra,” but it’s still a poignant and hilarious way to go out.
(Via The Hollywood Reporter)