Apologies for going quiet on you like that — my March flu has returned with reinforcements, and I’ve been too groggy to get much of anything done. The Easter weekend couldn’t be more sympathetically timed.
Anyway, welcome back to Cinejabber, your weekend space to bandy about any random movie-related thoughts you may have on your mind.
Any of you planning to go to the movies over the holiday, or are you nesting at home with chocolate eggs and DVDs? With “Titanic 3D” casting its shadow over the multiplexes, the week’s new wide releases don’t look too tempting — though if you live in New York or LA, I urge you to hurry off to “Damsels in Distress,” which beguiled me in Venice, wound up on my 2011 Top 10, and stands comfortably as my favorite comedy of the last couple of years.
Meanwhile, I’m interested to hear if any of you — religiously inclined or otherwise — have any perennial Easter movies that complete the weekend for you. It’s not as commodified a sub-genre as the Christmas movie, but for some of us, hoary, overblown Biblical epics are as inextricably connected to the holiday as hot cross buns. And if you’re in a more highbrow mood and haven’t yet made the acquaintance of Scorsese’s “The Last Temptation of Christ” or, better yet, Pasolini’s “The Gospel According to St. Matthew,” this is the perfect time to do so.
I’ll be probably be rewatching the latter tomorrow, with a side dish of the immortal Peanuts special “It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown,” plus an awful lot of hot honey and lemon. What are you guys getting up to?
For more views on movies, awards season and other pursuits, follow @GuyLodge on Twitter.
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