Okay, we haven’t done of these in a while — welcome (back) to Cinejabber, your weekend open thread to kick around whatever’s on your mind film-wise or otherwise, while we seek life beyond the movie theater.
This weekend, however, the biggest event in the In Contention family has nothing to do with the box-office blocks being predictably busted by “The Hunger Games,” the current industry hot topic of Variety going up for sale or, indeed, anything to do with the movies whatsoever. Today, I’m happy to remind you, a certain guy we all know and hopefully love, Kris Tapley, is getting married to his longtime partner and fiancée, April Smith. And I’m sure I speak for us all when I say I couldn’t be happier for them.
Not to get into speech mode or anything, but Kris has been an invaluable friend and colleague to me for over four years now, and it pains me that I can’t be in Los Angeles to share the most important day of his life with him. I had the pleasure of meeting April in London back in 2008, and know what a special and storied relationship she and Kris share; I was delighted to hear of their engagement the following year, and am thrilled it’s all coming together today.
This wedding has been a long time in the works — here’s hoping it’s everything they’ve planned and dreamed it to be, and just the first of many red-letter days in a long and blissful lifetime together. (Meanwhile, a honeymoon in Rome awaits.) Congratulations, Kris and April. I’m raising a glass to you as I type, and I expect our readers are doing the same.
Right, I’ll stop before things get too mawkish around here. The floor is yours.