While making the round promoting his new cinematic adaptation of “Much Ado About Nothing,” Joss Whedon waxed on his frustration with the lack of ladies in the big screen Marvel Universe. Whedon, who will return to write and direct “The Avengers 2,” has already revealed a step in the right direction with the news the Scarlet Witch will join the team. That’s good to hear, but hardly enough representation for a team that has had more than its share of powerful female characters over four decades of storytelling. With that in mind, we have 10 suggestions of legendary Avengers comic book characters that could even just cameo in the highly anticipated sequel. Shoot, we even have some suggestions on how they could appear as their non-superpowered selves.
Curious? Check out our picks in the embedded story gallery. Afterward, make your voice heard in the comments section and then vote in our poll below.