New ‘Rogue One’ poster assures us this is Jyn Erso’s story

The poster for The Force Awakens created a swell of emotion in a lot of Star Wars fans as we finally were assured we”d be seeing a movie about that galaxy far, far away with a woman at the forefront. Today”s debut of the new poster for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will likely similarly have millions of voices suddenly crying out in glee.

The Death Star looms over the whole poster but so does Felicity Jones” Jyn Erso. If it weren”t clear from the teaser trailer, it”s evident now that this Star Wars will have another woman in the lead. Second-most prominent here: Diego Luna”s Captain Cassian Andor. Also filling out Rogue One“s diverse cast on the poster: Donnie Yen, Forest Whitaker, Jiang Wen, Ben Mendelsohn, and Riz Ahmed, refreshingly reflecting the diversity of our own world.

Also, at the bottom, plenty of nostalgic Star Wars tech – ATATs, X-Wings, TIE fighters, an Imperial Star Destroyer – to get us stoked for the return of this world to the big screen.

Check out the poster below, which arrives just ahead of tomorrow”s new Rogue One trailer, scheduled to debut on Good Morning America.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens in theaters on December 16, 2016.