She Said/She Said is a (usually) daily video featuring HitFix Harpy Donna Dickens and HitFix Weekend Editor Jill Pantozzi discussing current events in geek news.
Stranger Things is the gift that keeps on giving. Somehow a little show about monsters and government spooks has not only drawn the laser-eyed focus of Netflix-watchers, but it”s given us a cornucopia of layers to dig through. From the characters and the setting, to all the Easter eggs and fan theories, Stranger Things is like an onion…or a parfait.
Ostensibly a story about a young boy who goes missing in the fall of 1983, the Duffer Brothers have concocted a great coming-of-age story for pre-teen boys. But is it also a metaphor for Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) also shedding the carapace of childhood for the awkward terror of adolescence? I”d argue yes.
In the video above (and below) Donna Dickens and Jill Pantozzi discuss the metaphorical implication of puberty in Stranger Things.