Every a year for Labor Day weekend Atlanta, GA is invaded by geeks of every flavor. From horror and steampunk to superheroes and video games, DragonCon has something for everyone. And the best part? When you send up a flare for every fandom, the cosplayers come out in droves.
Unlike the “big box” conventions like SDCC and NYCC that take place in a single building, DragonCo is spread out over a complex of hotels interconnected with skyways. With a larger layout and byzantine labyrinth of hallways to break up the crowds, it”s easier for cosplayers to go crazy with bulky or highly accessorized ideas! And it”s definitely easier for photographers to get wide group shots!
After the jump, check out the nearly three dozen stunning and intricate costumes we caught on the show floor during the first full day of DragonCon 2015!