Does ‘Frozen’s’ ‘Let It Go’ sequence pay homage to ‘Watchmen’?

(CBR) While Adele Dazeem”s Idina Menzel”s performance of “Let It Go” from “Frozen” is inescapable (and downright catchy), I”d somehow missed widespread speculation that the big scene from Disney”s latest animated blockbuster is an elaborate homage to the Mars sequence from “Watchmen” by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.

It”s already inspired some mashups, but now Slate”s Forrest Wickman draws our attention to one that may just erase any doubts, ending the debate once and for all (or, y”know, not): Alex Wolinetz’s combination of the song”s lyrics with Gibbons” panels depicting a self-exiled Doctor Manhattan. (You can see the rest of the mashup at