‘Downton Abbey’ returns to a record 10.2 million viewers

“Downton Abbey” returns to a record 10.2 million viewers

Last night’s Season 4 premiere was the highest-rated drama premiere in PBS history.

HBO orders “Hard,” a remake of a French porn comedy
“Sex and the City” writer Jenny Bicks will pen the comedy about a Brentwood housewife who inherits her husband”s failing porn company.

Charlie Sheen apologizes to Ashton Kutcher for calling him “lame”
Sheen tweeted this afternoon: “hey Ashton / sorry bro all good. / now quit barfing / on my old / brilliant show. / Remember / Punk’d? / how duz it feel?”

47 million watched Packers vs. 49ers on Fox

Last night’s game was the 7th most-watched program in Fox history, not counting Super Bowls.