Justin Timberlake Makes Emma Stone’s Oscars Red Carpet Moment All About Him

The photobomb has been around since well before the invention of the internet, but once social media took off, suddenly they were everywhere. Even celebrities on the fanciest night in Hollywood aren’t immune to hamming it up for the camera when they’re in the background. And who could forget when Jack Nicholson crashed Jennifer Lawrence’s interview?

But what is a photobomb? At it’s core, it’s a “Look at me, not them!” piece of the human id sneaking out. So it makes sense that Justin Timberlake, king of adorably pulling attention to himself like a class clown that never outgrew the urge, would find this moment irresistible. Emma Stone is pretty much a lock for Best Actress and was enjoying the last ABC interview of the night when Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel walked by on their way to Timberlake’s mark for the opening number. The best part? How long it took Emma Stone to notice.

Most people have a sixth sense that let them know when someone is sneaking up on them. Does Emma Stone not have this? Was she just super nervous about her potential/inevitable Academy Award win? Should we send her to a boot camp to learn how to sense when Justin Timberlakes are sneaking up on her?